Life Health: 7 Things We Must Understand About Masturbation Before Sex

7 Things We Must Understand About Masturbation Before Sex

7 Things We Must Understand About Masturbation Before Sex – Masturbation is a solo sex activity that can be enjoyed by anyone. Without the need to have a partner, masturbation can be done to get great pleasure. In addition, masturbation also provides a number of benefits, one of which is actual sex performed by men or women.

Before engaging in sexual activities, there are 7 Things We Must Understand About Masturbation Before Sex. These 7 Things We Must Understand About Masturbation Before Sex serve as important insights to enhance our sexual experiences and overall well-being. First and foremost, knowing our own bodies through masturbation can lead to better self-awareness and communication with our partners. Additionally, understanding what brings us pleasure can help guide our partners in satisfying ways.

However, it's essential to recognize that masturbation and partnered sex can be different experiences, and clear communication is key to ensure mutual consent and comfort. Moreover, acknowledging that masturbation is a natural and healthy part of human sexuality helps eliminate any unwarranted shame or guilt. Embracing these 7 Things We Must Understand About Masturbation Before Sex empowers us to foster more fulfilling and enjoyable sexual relationships with ourselves and our partners, contributing to a positive and satisfying intimate life.

The fact of masturbation before sex

There are many rituals performed by someone before having sex. There are those who like to watch pornographic videos to masturbate first. Masturbation before sex is said to be able to provide benefits in bed activities, is that right?

Help sexual dysfunction

Sexual dysfunction is very common in men. This condition can appear in the form of inability to get an erection, get an orgasm, and make it difficult to ejaculate. Problems like this can occur because there is a physical disturbance in the genitals. However, it can also be caused by several problems such as psychological disorders.

Some men are often passionate about sex, but when sex is done they ejaculate quickly and find it difficult to enjoy sex. The best way that is often done by many people to overcome it is to masturbate. If you masturbate first, excess energy can be released. This condition causes you to enjoy sex more easily and ejaculation comes longer.

Refractory period in men

Every man has a different refractory period. What is meant by the refractory period is the period between the first ejaculation until the penis can get an erection with the maximum. During this period, the penis is usually undergoing a healing phase so that it can be used optimally.

In this period some men can still get an erection well. However, not all of them can get ejaculated quickly. This is often used by someone. Ejaculation will take longer so you and your partner can have sex more relaxed and not in a hurry.

Maintaining an erection is a big problem for men

Many men think that masturbating before sex will improve performance. However, not all men can have that ability. Some men, especially those who are elderly or have health problems, will find it difficult to get an erection again and it will take a long time.

In addition there is also the problem of maintaining an erection that is difficult to do after getting an orgasm. So, before masturbating before sex, it is advisable to know more about the physical condition. If your physical condition is not optimal, ejaculating first will make you lethargic and unable to have sex to the fullest.

Makes women uncomfortable

The effect of masturbating before sex might make it easier for men to enjoy sex. However, in women the effect will be slightly different. Women who get multiple orgasms during masturbation will have sensitive genitals. If sex is done, pain and discomfort can be obtained.

Even though every woman has a different physical condition and resilience, her refractor period tends to be shorter. In fact, even after an orgasm, women can get it many times. Unlike men who have to wait until the man's penis gets erect again, women can just have sex right away.

Reducing fear during sex

Sex is indeed an interesting activity and can make you happy doing it. However, not everyone can enjoy sex well. Sex can be something that scares someone so much that they are afraid. If sex makes a person afraid and not relaxed, it is likely that sexual dysfunction will occur in men or women.

Masturbating before sex can make you feel more comfortable and relaxed. Men who initially experience problems with an erection can handle it well. Women are also more relaxed so that the fear they experience can disappear. Moreover, partners provide mutual support and communicate maturely first.

Provides comfort and prevents pain

Especially in women, one of the problems that make them lazy to have sex is pain. Well, this pain can appear because the woman has not relaxed and the vagina has not been properly prepared. Finally, when men penetrate, friction is strong enough in the vagina to make them feel pain by themselves.

The best way to deal with this pain is to masturbate first. Women don't need to masturbate until they have an orgasm. Enough until the body becomes sexually ready. For example, the vagina is wet and emits quite a lot of lubricating fluid. If women do this they will easily get an orgasm and help men stimulate their bodies.

Can increase intimacy

One of the biggest problems of sex and it can spill over into relationships is the orgasm. There are couples who are obsessed with making their partner satisfied.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, recognizing the 7 Things We Must Understand About Masturbation Before Sex is pivotal in cultivating a healthy and fulfilling sexual journey. Embracing masturbation as a means to explore and understand our own bodies allows for improved self-awareness and communication with our partners, leading to more satisfying intimate experiences. Understanding that what brings pleasure during solo activities may differ from partnered encounters underscores the significance of open and honest communication with our partners to ensure mutual satisfaction and comfort. By acknowledging that masturbation is a natural aspect of human sexuality, we can shed any unnecessary shame or guilt and approach intimacy with a more positive and liberated mindset. Integrating these valuable insights into our lives enables us to establish deeper connections with ourselves and our partners, fostering a more enriching and rewarding sexual bond overall.


Is masturbation normal and healthy before engaging in sex with a partner? 
  • Yes, masturbation is a completely normal and healthy aspect of human sexuality. It can help individuals explore their bodies, understand their preferences, and enhance self-awareness, which can positively influence partnered sexual experiences.

Can knowing what brings pleasure during masturbation improve partnered sex? 
  • Absolutely. Understanding what brings pleasure during solo activities can be valuable in guiding partners to provide more satisfying and enjoyable experiences during sex. Open communication about desires and preferences is essential for mutual satisfaction.

Does masturbation differ from partnered sex experiences? 
  • Yes, masturbation and partnered sex can be different experiences. What feels pleasurable during solo activities may not necessarily be the same in a partnered context. Being aware of these differences allows for better communication and adjustment during intimacy.

How can clear communication about masturbation impact sexual relationships?
  • Clear communication about masturbation can foster trust and intimacy in a relationship. It creates a safe space for partners to share their desires, boundaries, and preferences, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and respectful sexual bond.

Is there any shame or guilt associated with masturbation? 
  • No, there shouldn't be any shame or guilt associated with masturbation. It is a natural part of human sexuality and a healthy way to explore one's body and desires. Embracing this perspective promotes a positive and accepting attitude towards self-pleasure.

Can understanding our own bodies through masturbation lead to better sexual experiences?
  • Yes, understanding our bodies through masturbation allows us to discover what feels pleasurable and what doesn't. This knowledge can enhance sexual experiences by empowering us to communicate effectively with our partners and seek mutual satisfaction.

How can embracing the insights about masturbation benefit overall sexual well-being? 
  • Embracing the insights about masturbation can significantly benefit overall sexual well-being. It encourages self-acceptance, promotes open communication with partners, and fosters a healthy attitude towards intimacy. Ultimately, it paves the way for more fulfilling and enjoyable sexual experiences in the context of both solo and partnered activities.


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